#1 – Yoga Poses to Boost the Immune System

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

As autumn turns to winter and the days get colder we are all more prone to coughs, colds and illness. Yoga is not only a great way to stretch, strengthen and tone your body, but it also helps keep the nasties away! Here are some yoga poses that you can try to add into your daily practice or even work on perfecting them individually.

Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

This pose helps correct and realign the whole body as well as improving concentration and stamina. It’s important to keep your spine straight and not slough at the hip. It’s a great spine, leg and ankle strengthener as well as improving your balance and focus.

How to:

Begin by grounding through one foot and finding a (unmoving) point of focus in front of you. Slowly lift the other foot and bring it anywhere onto the leg avoiding the knee as this will cause pressure on the joint and weaken the ligaments over time. You can keep your hands in prayer at your heart or you can lift them over your head. For an added challenge try closing your eyes!

Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

This pose also helps restore balance in the body, regulates the digestive system and increases blood circulation.

How to: Stand up straight and traditionally with your feet together. Engage your thighs and feel your kneecaps lift. Draw your shoulders back and down and allow your palms to face forward. Breathe steadily and imagine a line of energy flowing through your body from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes.

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